School » Waihi School

Our School

At Waihi we believe in Nurturing Success - academically, physically, culturally, spiritually, and individually and we achieve this with our outstanding educational offerings and our specialist team of educators along with the care and support of our extended Waihi staff and family.

Robotics, music, visual arts and craft, wood technology, along with encouraging our students to be involved in everything from choir to tea­m sports, we provide a well-rounded holistic approach to your son or daughter’s education.

boy hat


At Waihi, we take great pride in wearing our uniform. Students will need both Summer and Winter uniforms, along with our Formal Uniform (Number 1s), Boarding and Sporting uniforms.

Please feel free to contact the school should you have any queries.  Orders can be made by using the form from the link below. Uniforms will be invoiced to your school account and can be collected at the office or delivered to Pyne House for boarders.

If you are unsure about requirements or sizes you are welcome to book a time for a fitting at the Uniform Shop, please email -



Student Reports are sent home twice yearly to allow parents an insight into their child’s learning and development across the year.  We also hold two parent/teacher/child interviews at Waihi annually to allow open discussion with your child and their teacher. If you have any concerns around your child’s learning, please feel free to contact their class teacher.


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The last few years have seen rapid technology development at Waihi School.
High-speed Internet being connected has meant that students and teachers can push the limits in the classroom, and they enthusiastically go to work researching, watching media, collaborating online, sharing ideas and resources, all in the matter of a few seconds.

The ICT Handbook is designed to inform Parents and Students of the availability of technology resources along with keeping our students safe online.

Parent Handbook

This booklet has been created with the wish of providing greater in-depth information regarding the events and happenings of Waihi School. It is a resource you should keep handy to refer to during the year.
Our intention is to provide parents with an explanation of what happens when a particular event is described in the school calendar.
Whilst every attempt has been made to cover what we do, new events will occur and any necessary communication will be sent to parents as required.
We trust you will find this helpful. As this document will be reproduced each year, any suggestions for further information would be gladly received.



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