Our Community » Waihi School

Our Community

The Waihi Community consists of families, students and staff both past and present, along with the network across New Zealand within our Independent Schools Group which sees us with sports and cultural exchange opportunities for our students in varying national locations and at home too. Community to us, is also encouraging our students to be involved in charitable works across South Canterbury.  We see community service as a lifelong gift for children to learn.

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Our strong and specialist team of teachers work with your child to ensure that goals are set and met. With our small class sizes, our teachers have a greater ability to be aware and mindful of each student’s individual needs.

Small class sizes enable our staff to deliver focused tuition, providing opportunities for the most able students to extend themselves, and dedicated learning support for those who need it.


The Friends of Waihi (FOW) Parents' Association has a very active committee and, with the support of the wider parent body, is particularly committed to raising funds for the ongoing development of the school.

An important role of the Parents' Association is to ensure parents, especially those new to the Waihi family, have an initial point of contact.

Friends of Waihi also works with the Trust Board, organises social functions each year and generally fosters school and parent community relationships.

This group facilitates communication and information sharing via its Facebook Page.


Past pupils

Past Pupils

The Waihi Past Pupils Association (formerly the Waihi Old Boys Association) has been formed to celebrate our past and support the school into the future. We have a Facebook page which was set up as a forum for past students and their families to connect with each other, share Waihi photos, stories and memorabilia, and to ensure that the links to the friendships formed in the past can be kept strong today. Click here to view.

Where are you now?

Whilst we have a limited database of past Waihians, we would really appreciate you updating your details for us so that you don't miss out any future communications and gatherings. Please click on the button below to add your information to our database.


Each year we endeavour to host one or two reunions for our past pupils.  We hold a "Five Years On" for past pupils from five years ago and a "Decades" reunion where we invite a particular decade to return to our special school.  We would love for you to join us to reminisce, remember and reunite over your past Waihi days.  

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We hold regular “Gatherings” across the South Island to bring together families and students, both prospective, current and past, within an informal and relaxed environment. These functions are a lovely get together for those hoping to catch up with old friends or to begin new friendships within our Waihi Family. 

Often co-hosted with Independent High schools our hope to is to continue to nurture the friendships that were begun at Waihi – whether that was 50 years ago or you have just joined our Waihi family, keep an eye out for the dates coming to your closest town soon!

Keen to Arrange a Visit?

Submit your email and we will be in touch to arrange a suitable time.