Our Team » Waihi School

Our Team

Our staff at Waihi are indeed what makes the experience so enriching and successful, with a real family atmosphere.

Our academic team are proven performers in the classroom and our results speak for themselves.  Our class sizes number no more than 20 and this allows our team to work alongside the individual student and ensure we nurture their academic success. We offer specialist science lessons, small, streamed math groups and we place a strong focus on literacy and study - ensuring the fundamentals of your child’s future education are well embedded for their journey onto high school.

Our committed pastoral care team including House Master, Matrons and Gap Tutors are ably supported by our residential team who live and work alongside our boarders whilst raising their own families on-site also.

We are also lucky to have the amazing kitchen staff, itinerant music tutors, our lovely office staff and not forgetting Sharpie the Caretaker – a favourite with the children!

Allan Short


Nathan Morland

Assistant Headmaster and Year 8 Home Room Teacher

Ollie Clayson

Assistant Head Pastoral/Staff and House Master

Judy Brown

Year 8 Teacher

Jessica Sharp

Year 7 Teacher

Tegan Westland

Year 7 Teacher

Phoebe Geary

Year 6 Teacher

Anne-Maree Reith

Year 6 Teacher

Natasha Woudberg

Junior Classroom Teacher

Emily Haynes

Director of Sport

Trish Cameron

Permanent Reliever

Helen Cunningham

STEM Teacher

Anita Hills

Learning Support, Enrichment and Wellbeing

Rohan Brighouse

Outdoor Education Coordinator

Alistair Bradley

Director of Music

Sheryl Bradley

Director of Music

Carmen Hurst

School Accountant

Kat Thompson

Executive Assistant

Karen McArthur

Finance Assistant

Katrina Rodwell

Sports Coordinator

Stacey Jackson

Day Matron / Uniform Coordinator

Marcos Ribeiro Leopoldo

Catering Manager

Graham Sharp
