Life at Waihi is busy for students and to help parents plan their movements, our school calendar reflects important upcoming events and dates to put in your diary to manage your child’s activities. This is updated regularly, so please keep checking back to ensure you don’t miss out!
We will ensure all key dates are communicated to our families through newsletters, SeeSaw and right here to ensure that you don’t miss out on any valuable networking or chances to view your child pursuing goals across the school from sport to chess!
All of the important key dates are regularly updated in our school calendar along with being communicated through our varying school communications. Should you wish to know of any events coming up for either Waihi parents or students, then please check back regularly.
Term 1: Tuesday 28th January – Friday 11th April (11 Weeks)
Term 2: Tuesday 29th April - Friday 27th June (8 Weeks 5/3 + Half Term)
Half Term: Friday 30 May (Waihi Cross-Country) – Monday 9 June
Term 3: Tuesday 15th July – Friday 19th September (9 Weeks 5/4 + Half Term)
Half Term: Friday 15th August (Waihi Family Ski Day) – Monday 25 August
Term 4: Monday 6th October – Saturday 6th December (9 Weeks